Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pick your Favorite Win a Prize!

fine print: the prize is really just the satisfaction of knowing that you possibly, maybe, influenced our decision...and our undying gratitude and appreciation...and our next born child, Cheedo Archibald, or one of our existing children, because they have had really questionable behavior today.

Here are a few pictures showing alternate views of the house.


jaci said...

I pick #5 -- the green one! They are all beautiful, though - I just like some color and not all browns.

Adri said...

Ummm...I just think you should bag the pine tree by the porch and plant a Japanese Maple. But, you know, that's just me. :) They are all beautiful. I can't wait to see it.

Gaye Brown said...

I vote for the #1 view.

Kami said...

I'm sure you'll pick something great! That looks maybe like a Weeping Norway Spruce by the porch. Please don't plant one of those! :) I'm sure you haven't gotten around to your landscape planning yet! Japanese Maples are beautiful, Ade, but I don't think they like this awesome alkaline clay soil on the west side!

Preston said...

How do you keep your driveway so clean and your lawn so green? I didn't intend that sentence to rhyme, but I guess I'm just a natural poet...