Thursday, October 23, 2008

One Boooooooooooooooooooooy, Boy for Sale!

Last week we took the family to our favorite store, Bukoos. My kids think that it is as good as Lagoon. There is tons of random furniture to hide behind, tall shelves to run around, and lots of strange junk. Aaron and I were looking at a few of the many treasures to be found at Bukoos while our kids played at our feet. They found one bank of shelving and decided to run around and around it. We watched for them to come around to our side about every 15 seconds. Well, 15 seconds went by, then 30. N never came around. I heard M yelling "Mom, come help!". I walked around to the other side, and this is what I found..........

N had sqeezed in between the two banks of shelves and climbed all the way to the top. He was sitting there just as proud as can be. He was well above my head (the shelves were probably 7 feet tall), and so I began to yell for Aaron. He came around the corner, but before we retrieved our 2 year old, we had to get a picture. Aaron kept saying "Dude, as soon as I take this picture you are in time out!".


Brooke said...

I Love it!!! I'll take him anytime. His low, deep voice is edible, give him to me. I'll take some "boyish" issues and you have my winey, emotional girls.

Sean said...

Oliver!!! Great musical. Never been to the old K-Mart, I still have a hard time calling that anything but KMart.

Suz said...

HA HA HA!! Oh my gosh, that is hilarious!! So glad you got that on camera.