Tonight while reading books to my kids (yes, I was waiting for Pres. Bush to give his address about the bailout plan...so I DID have the TV on mute in the background) a clip pops up on the screen that catches M's attention. She looks at me wide-eyed and says "Mom, I want Sarah Palin's autograph. I really like her". (My daughter is as hip as this toothless grandma! I am so proud!)
Hmmmm.......I think most of you can guess the theme of most of our dinner conversations over the last couple of months.
While blogging about politically themed anecdotes, I have to mention what Aunt Beth overheard M singing in the bathtub a couple weeks ago while babysitting. While getting little brother toweled off in the next room, Beth let M have a few extra minutes to play in bathtub. (M is a nonstop noise maker and I am sure felt the need to fill the silence). So the girl busts out in one of her favorite jingles (picture Stevie Wonder singing up and down an octave scale) "Barak Obama....Barak Obama......Barak Obama.....". We started singing this jingle around our house when we first heard Stevie singing it. We thought it was hillarious. But now that both kids have been caught singing it in public places..........it's not so funny!
Hmmmm.......I think most of you can guess the theme of most of our dinner conversations over the last couple of months.
While blogging about politically themed anecdotes, I have to mention what Aunt Beth overheard M singing in the bathtub a couple weeks ago while babysitting. While getting little brother toweled off in the next room, Beth let M have a few extra minutes to play in bathtub. (M is a nonstop noise maker and I am sure felt the need to fill the silence). So the girl busts out in one of her favorite jingles (picture Stevie Wonder singing up and down an octave scale) "Barak Obama....Barak Obama......Barak Obama.....". We started singing this jingle around our house when we first heard Stevie singing it. We thought it was hillarious. But now that both kids have been caught singing it in public places..........it's not so funny!
Ok, no more Fox News!!! It's sad when your kiddies know more about politics than I do. Let's just hope the majority of the country agrees with you!
Ha Ha Ha!!!! I am glad you put to Barak story on your blog. I think I will have to put it on mine too because it is sooooo funny. Ryan and I now sing that song to Abe. What would we do without Mar? Love Her!!!
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