So, a few weeks ago, our lovely little camera (which Marsh broke the first day we had it) suddenly vanished. We could not figure for the life of us where it went. We looked under the carseats in the car all through the house, but no results. Several days later my mom called asking if we had lost our camera. She had gotten a call from one of the receptionists at my dad's practice saying that she thought she might have our camera. Some lady had called the office saying that she'd found a camera on the side of the road in front of Walgreens in Kaysville. She opened it up and watched some of the little videos that were on the memory card. She saw a guy wearing a Wasatch Peak hat (Aaron) and someone on the video was named Nula. So, she thought she'd call the office to see if anyone would claim it. Well, there are a million receptionists in the office, many of which have no clue who we are, so what are the chances that the one who is familiar with our family happend to be standing there during the call and said, "I think Kim has a grandson named Nula". We got a hold of the lady that picked it up off the side of the road and gratefully picked it up from her home in Layton.
You think that would be the end of the camera story............but it isn't! Not too many days later, Aaron and I stopped out at the house to take some pictures. We had tile and carpet samples to load in the car, and two crazy kids who were ready for bed. We threw everything in and headed home. The freeway exit was closed by our house so we had to go clear to Layton Hills Mall exit and come back south. I'm driving along, minding my own business, when I look over to see some stranger waving her arms and yelling at me to pull over. I roll down my window and hear her scream "You've got a camera sitting on your bumper".
Seriously. Could we be any more brain dead!